Your Think Link

Where student potential connects to academic success

"Our child would not be where they are today - a confident and thriving student - without Kim’s love and dedication.”

Your child does not have to struggle.

Academic challenges can be lonely and isolating for both students and parents. When traditional tutoring is not sufficient, you need someone to come alongside you to evaluate the root of the difficulty and structure your child’s learning potential. Your Think Link provides educational therapy and consulting to help your child thrive in the classroom.

NILD (National Institute of Learning Development) Services

Through prescriptive remediation, NILD looks at the root of the learning challenges to develop targeted interventions to strengthen cognitive deficits to help your child succeed academically.

Academic Testing

Your Think Link is able to administer the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement and the GORT (Gray Oral Reading Test) to better assess a student’s current academic level, which can be especially useful tools in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.


With a wide range of professional contacts in psychology, occupational therapy, audiology, tutoring, and speech therapy, Your Think Link can advise on next best steps for your child and their educational plan.

What Parents Are Saying