What is NILD?
NILD (National Institute for Learning Development) Educational Therapy is an individualized, non-tutorial therapy designed to "address the underlying causes of learning difficulties rather than simply treating the symptoms." The key components of NILD are academics, perception, cognition, and emotion - creating a holistic therapy designed to help children "think, reason, and process information," and "develop tools for independent learning in the classroom and in life."
Who does NILD benefit?
NILD benefits children who may have a diagnosable learning disability and struggle with academics. Areas of common struggle include (but are not limited to):
School performance
Poor spelling
Illegible handwriting
Attention issues and executive function struggles
Difficulty with verbal or written expression
Challenges specifically with reading and/or math
How do I know my child will benefit?
Once your child has been tested by a licensed educational psychologist (referrals available upon request) we will conference about the results, determine your child's best strategies for success, and discuss the way forward. NILD is an established program that produces results. References from past students are available upon request. For more information concerning NILD, please visit
What is my next step to work with Your Think Link?
To receive a complimentary 30 minute consultation with Kim, fill out this form here.