NILD Packages
This 30-session package covers the entire semester, allowing time for vacation, illness and emergencies. To ensure the strongest results for the child, all sessions must be used within the semester in which they were purchased.
This package includes informal assessments at the start of educational therapy. A one-time, student material fee of $125 will be charged, as well.
60 min. sessions x 30 sessions =
Stay-the-Course Summer Sessions
Fight learning regression and help your child more comfortably ease back into the school year! After completing 60 sessions*, students receive a reduced price of $50.00 per 45 minute session or $60.00 per 60 minute session for the months of July and August.
*The first 30 session semester must be completed in the months of September - January, with the second semester of 30 sessions completed from February - June.
Progress Evaluation Package
At the conclusion of two full semesters of educational therapy, three critical evaluations will be performed to measure growth.
This $200 package includes:
administration of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement
administration of the Gray Oral Reading Test
administration of the NILD Informal Battery
a progress report of results
parent conference to discuss results
After the initial 30 minute complimentary consultation, each hour is billed at the above rate. This includes all parent/teacher conferences, IEP meetings, and additional conversations with Your Think Link. Consultations are also available for interpreting results of Psychological-Educational evaluations.
The Gray Oral Reading Test is used to evaluate a student’s oral reading rate, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. This is given to students between the ages of 6-18. After the test is complete, Your Think Link will review the results with parents to provide clarity on the student’s reading level.
Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement
The Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement is a nationally-normed test designed to provide valuable insight into your child’s academic performance. This assessment includes the full NILD battery, standard tests 1-11 and extended tests of reading recall, word reading fluency, reading vocabulary - synonyms and antonyms.